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Arabic Kaftan

What is the purpose of Arabs wearing kaftans?

Have you ever encountered someone wearing a traditional kaftan and wondered - “Wow! That must be so comfortable!”? Apart from being extremely comfortable to wear, they can be styled for almost ever...

saudi arabia fashion

Is Western style clothing acceptable in Saudi Arabia?

For a long time already in Saudi Arabia’s cultural history, fashion choices have been extremely conservative for both men and women. Yet, it seems like society is slowly letting go of these rules. ...

wholesale fabric

The Evolution of Indian Fashion Brands: From Local Markets to International Runways

Indian fashion is probably the oldest fashion industry in the world. Now, when people think about the Italian and French brands as luxurious fashion statements, long back India was making headlines...

Arab fashion brands you really need to know about

Arab fashion brands you really need to know about

With a market value in the billions of dollars, the Arab fashion sector is one of the world's fastest-growing. Saudi women, women from the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and other Gulf nations spend ...